Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Confidence, Peace, Joy and Love through Spiritual Experiences

Today as I have been reading in Helaman Chapter 5 & 6 of the Book of Mormon, I have been impressed and have journaled some of my thoughts.  In these chapters the Lamanites who previously have been very wicked, have become a righteous people.  These chapters talk about peace and prosperity that is experienced between the Lamanites and Nephites. Both peoples were blessed immensely through out this time.  Not only were they blessed with spiritual blessings, joy and peace; they were blessed with gold and sliver and many precious metals.  Their land was full and their flocks were abundant.  They truly were living the good life.  But then after a period of time, they became selfish and prideful, and began to set their hearts upon their riches.  They began to get gain so that they would look better than their neighbors.  There pride was their door to wickedness again.

Also, in these chapters, a story of Nephi and Lehi is shared where they are taken to prison.  They were encircled by fire and could not be harmed.  When the Lamanites came to see them, they could see them looking to heaven conversing with angels, and the angels ministered to them.  They asked a spiritual leader Aminidab what was happening, and he told them they needed to repent and believe in God.  As they did this, a dark cloud that was hovering over them was lifted, and the circle of fire was around the Lamanites as well.  They were filled with unspeakable joy, and full of glory.  The Holy Ghost had entered into their hearts--they were filled as if with fire, and they could speak marvelous words.  Then a pleasant voice spoke to them saying:  Peace be unto you, because of your Faith in my Well Beloved.

They went forth and shared their experience with others, they cared and supported one another, and they did rejoice and they had great joy.

My thoughts as I read this were, that Jesus Christ is a God of peace, love and joy.  He has given us the gift of the Holy Ghost.  When we live our lives in a manner that will allow him to be with us, we will experience unspeakable joy, a joy not found through material experience.  But a joy felt by the spirit within us.  This joy brings confidence, hope, peace and power to move forward in an unwavering manner in righteous paths.  The strength and power that we received through God will bless our lives.  It is so important for us to share our gratitude each day for these blessings, and in turn share what we have with others to lift, bless and comfort those around us.

It is when we become so worried about our appearance and our possessions, trying to appear confident and better than others, that we should repent, and pray that God will instill upon us his Christlike love, that we might develop this trait which will in turn, keep us humble, charitable and always building and sharing love with others.

I hope these thoughts might touch your life as they have mine.  Enjoy your week.
