Saturday, November 12, 2011

From a Tiny Seed

A mustard seed is so tiny that it is just a tiny bit bigger than a period at the end of a sentence.  But, this seed has big capabilities.  It can grow into a mustard plant over fifteen feet tall.  We often hear of faith being similar to a mustard seed, also yielding amazing blessing  from a tiny bit of faith.  Let us not forget that even a tiny speck of faith can help us accomplish great things. "It is a particle of that helps someone struggling with a life-altering illness endure to the end.  It is a particle of faith that gives hope to parents whose child wanders in the ways of the world.  It is a particle of faith that leads someone living in the darkness of addiction toward the light and freedom that comes from relying on Christ.  It is a particle of faith that gives strength to the family struggling with difficult financial burdens.  The lesson of the mustard seed lights the way on the darkest path.  Feelings of optimism, hope and confidence in Christ increase when we exercise and sow even the tiniest seeds of faith."  Rena Peterson "Walking With the Savior".

"If ye will have faith in me ye shall have power to do whatsoever thing is expediant in me."  (Moroni 7:33)

"Fear can keep us up all night long, but faith makes one fine pillow!" (Unknown)

"Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light."  Helen Keller

Faith is a principle of action.  We must act on what we believe.  "Faith without works is dead."  (James

Faith and trust go hand in hand.  True faith, is placing our trust in our Lord Jesus Christ.

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