Today, I am reading in my all time favorite book called
"Simplify" a guide to caring for the soul, by Carolyn J. Rasmus. I love, love, love this book! When I feel out of control, and life is bringing little satisfaction, I often reflect back on this book of inspiration. Her focus in this book is from these topics:
S - stillness
i - integrity
m - mercy
p - prune
l - let go
i - impossible
f - fortify
y - you
This author refers to Janet Morrow Lindbergh's book "
Gifts from the Sea". Where Janet was able to take a vacation all by herself for a week to the ocean. She spent this week resting, relaxing, observing the creation of different sea shells, and applying their structure and form to life. In this book Janet talks about Islands of Time. A place to get away, to refuel, think, ponder, meditate, a spiritual renewal.
Carolyn Rasmus, in her book "Simplify", refers to "Islands of Time", but recognizes that most of us can't get away for a week to be by ourselves. She recognizes the need for "creating an island of time, not somewhere on an exotic island but in our everday lives. Couldn't we carve out just a little time each day to experience time to be quiet, a time when we could just stop what we are doing and experience an island of time.....consider thinking of a time each day that you could call your island of time, a time when you could escape the business of daily responsibilities. The place matters little - it could even be in a car in some quiet parking lot. For others, it could be a quiet bench in a park, a library, a bedroom, or maybe even the bathroom. The place is not important as the quiet you will find - quiet time to be still, to think, to breathe deeply, and to feel His peace".
"As we think to simplify and make it a spiritual quest, we are reminded that the Lord commands us to be still and to listen. As Elijah learned, the Lord was to be heard not in the crashing of mountains, or wind, or earthqueake but in a still small voice (1 Kings 19-12)."
"The scriptures give us ample instruction about how the Spirit speaks to us, but to hear the still, small voice we must be still and listen." (Simplify, pg 10 & 12, Carolyn J. Rasmus)
This is my struggle in life to not get swept away in all the events, activities, and needs in life. We go, go, go to the point of exhaustion, and then loose sight of the joy in life. I know, when I take quiet time to read, ponder, and especially write about the thoughts or things that I learn; the peace that I feel brings such comfort, joy and satisfaction. The understanding and inspiration that I receive about life is incredible. Sometimes, it is a fight to find my "Islands of Time", but so rewarding it is, when I allow this time each day.
May you enjoy your "Islands of Time" this week, and throughout your life.