Monday, August 6, 2012

God's Hand in All (part 2)

This year has really been a revolutionary year for me as I have come upon the ripe of age of 50.  This is an awakening time for one, as you realize that you have probably lived more than half your life.  You look back and see how hard you have worked to attain certain goals, all that you have been through with your family, and you look at your present circumstance, and life all of a sudden takes on a little bit of new meaning, a new purpose, a new direction as you realize that moments are precious not to be filled with just anything.

I have taken some time this year to study and find direction in what I want to put into my life for the next 50 years (optomistically thinking that my tired body will last that long).  I had previously enjoyed reading the book "The Dream Giver" by Bruce Wilkinson, which helped me to understand that we all have a great purpose on this earth, and if we put aside our own wants and desires and trust in God to help us accomplish his will.  He will help us develop our God given talents in a way far beyond what we could ever imagine.

So, my focus this year has been one trying to discover what God would have me do with my life.  It has been an incredible process requiring much devotion to spiritual study and quiet time.  Through the winter, somehow I allowed myself to be pulled away from my quest, getting caught up into hectic schedules, and demands of life. I desparately hopeful that I might be able  to get back into the groove of walking in the path that God would have me.  It has been the most incredible experience turning my heart and mind over to God.  IT has brought much joy, peace, hope and optomism for such an exciting bright future.

This morning, I spent studying a message from Elder Vincent O. Haleck, titled:  Having the Vision to Do.

This message shares similar thoughts as those from Bruce Wilkinson in the Dream Giver.  Elder Haleck shares the scripture Proverbs 29:18, and his message focuses on this scripture.  "If we are to prosper rather than perish, we must gain a vision of  ourselves as the Savior sees us."  Where there is no vision, the people perish.

I don't want to perish, I want to proper!  So, I understand that I must have a vision, a purpose and a plan to do what God would have me do with my life.

"When we experience hard things in our lives that can sometimes diminish our vision and faith to do the things we should.  We become so busy that we often feel overwhelmed and unable to do more.....I humbly submit that we must focus our vision on the SAvior and his teachings.....The savior has a great vision of who we can become.  It will take the same faith and courage the  first apostles had in order for us to refocus on the things that matter most in bringing lasting happiness and great joy,"

What an encouragaging messages from both Elder Haleck and Bruce Wilkinson.  Hope you have the opportunity read both of these.

May we shift our focus to recognize the gifts that God has given us, and walk hand and hand with him in accomplishing what he would have us do with our lives.

Have a great week.


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