Monday, October 29, 2012

I like this!

A quote from Princess Grace of Monaco in the Family Circle Magazine - 1972.

"I am like anyone else trying to keep a home together.  I must fight, I mean fight, for the time to be with my children.  My husband and I spend every spare moment we have with our children in an effort to share our lives with them.  And where there are no spare moments, I struggle to make them."

Is this not beautiful.  This is my struggle, as life throws so many opporunitites, obligations, and challenges. I have to fight to stay close to my family.  When I have to leave my home and family, I do not have peace until I return.  My sweetest memories are those with my family, being together, sharing our love and life experiences.

I look at my youngest who is now 16, and this morning reflected back on the days when he was a baby, knowing he would be my last.  We shared many days snuggling together when he was young; he was so content to be close to me, and so content to be hugged, gently rubbed, and so sweet.

It is hard to see him grow up.  He is now 6'2", and a handsome young man, still so loving, respectful and kind.  And he still loves to be gently rubbed and hugged.

It has been the sweetest experience to be a mother.  I thank God  for allowing me this privilege.


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